A tear from the phoenix | Jason Calkins | TEDxSingSing 2014

A perspective of one man’s path to redemption using the Phoenix as a symbolic figure to show how new life can be born out of self-destruction. Jason Calkins is a highly energetic person, one who is continuously searching for ways to improve himself. His yearning and passion for interaction with people is only rivaled by his desire to be both an example and answer of what it is to be a good friend. In the last 10 years, education has been Jason’s focus. He has received an associate’s degree from Mercy College, graduating in 2013 Magna Cum Laude. He is now working on his bachelor’s degree. At Auburn, Jason helped to create a support group for inmates who are affected by HIV/AIDS and he is now a facilitator for the Alternatives to Violence program and works with the Youth Assistance Program. He aspires to become a mentor to at-risk youth.


Gangdemic: coming to a neighborhood near you | Herbert Morales | TEDxSingSing 2014


Creating a WE nation | Lucinda Cross | TEDxSingSing 2014