Gangdemic: coming to a neighborhood near you | Herbert Morales | TEDxSingSing 2014

Gangdemic has become a reality in communities and in prisons. Membership is climbing as well as violence and drugs associated with gangs. Elimination of gangs may not be feasible but behavioral and philosophical conversion to become an uplifting economic and political power within communities may be possible. Herbert Morales entered prison as an angry 18-year-old, uneducated, irresponsible, teenager. After 31 years’ incarceration he has not just survived, but has strived to become an educated, compassionate, disciplined, and open-minded individual. His love for God has shown him that anything is possible as long as he has faith. He has had a positive impact in the lives of over a dozen inmates by educating himself in the field of criminal law.


Transcending mental bars | Hill Harper | TEDxSingSing 2014


A tear from the phoenix | Jason Calkins | TEDxSingSing 2014