Creating a WE nation | Lucinda Cross | TEDxSingSing 2014

This talk shares the analogy of the tree and how our beliefs, attitudes and actions mold us and the community that is connected to us. There is no single leaf whose actions do not affect the whole tree. Sharing the importance of balancing the Fab Five in order to rebuild, restore and reinvent ourselves and communities we serve include: Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Fitness. Lucinda Cross is a creative life activator, Life Coach and Small Business Consultant. Her work is about helping women live a life of fire, fun and freedom. Lucinda Cross is the best-selling author of “The Road to Redemption” and “Corporate Mom Drop Outs.” She is an internationally known speaker, contributing writer for Black Enterprise and The Huffington Post. Lucinda Cross is the person women call when they are ready to leverage and monetize their expertise and message all while creating products, programs and a signature a platform. Over the past decade, she has discovered surprising trends about why certain people and businesses succeed. Today, Lucinda teaches how to communicate and captivate in a noisy world with a short attention span and the tendency to procrastinate.


Transformation through education | Michael Tineo | TEDxSingSing 2014


Shaping the future from the inside | Michael Capra | TEDxSingSing 2014