Life uncarbonated | Chantal Randall | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

After causing the death of a child in her care, Chantal Randall was faced with the reality of the devastation and irreversible consequences that her actions had brought. Determined to change her dysfunctional patterns, she’s spent many years actively participating in self-help programs, community betterment and self enrichment projects. She now mentors her peers through Trauma Informed Care, one-on-one friendships and by facilitating some of the classes she has taken herself. You choose. Do you explode when shaken or do you remain calm. This mother of seven will help you realize that it’s important to care for yourself so you can care for others.

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Beauty from ashes | Lora McKinney | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

It took the death of her son to make Lora McKinney realize that she needed to change her attitude. She lives each and every day as a precious gift from God. She tries to make a positive impact on those around her by being a leader, mentor, friend and advisor. This presentation takes a look at what it takes to succeed while serving time. Lora is a resident of the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women.

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Making life count | Jessica Reid | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

Jessica was 17 when the dynamics of her life took a turn for the worse. It took being responsible for the training of a puppy to help her grow and expand her views outside the fences of the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women. Making life count is sometimes the hardest thing to do. With the business of everyday life, we forget the most important things and miss out on what really matters. Serving time can leave you without much to look forward to. But, there is hope as shared in this presentation.

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From hopeless to hopeful | Sarah Cullen | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

With Jesus Christ as her Savior, Sarah Cullen has decided to use her incarceration to better herself. She strives to lead with love in all that she does and to dedicate herself to changing the culture of the Women’s Correctional Center and surrounding communities. The journey from the bottom, where hopelessness is overwhelming, to rising again to a hopeful future is the focus of this presentation. It includes the power of faith, love and friendships, which can carry you through until you reclaim your identity.

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This is us | Niccole Wetherell | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

Niccole is a resident of the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women. Often, within the correction system, women who are serving life sentences are forgotten. This is a story of women “lifers” and a proposed change in the system so those who deserve recognition and understanding of their situation receive it. Niccole was 18 when she received a life sentence. She had to become an adult within the correction system. It took her a while to realize that she can make a change and advocate from the inside. She shares her heart and trials and tribulations with other women to help them through their struggle.

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The battle within | Sharla Hennecke | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

Born in Canada of the Lac Seul Tribe, Sharla chooses to see beauty all around her, especially sunsets and the Northern Lights. She’s been blessed with a son Rylee, her parents and David, each of whom has always supported her. There is a battle between “two wolves” inside us all. One is evil. One is good. Recognizing the difference and selecting the good wolf is an idea for us all to consider. If this story can help just one person, then she feels her journey has all been worth it.

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Dance to be free | Lucy Wallace | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

Lucy bought Alchemy of Movement (AOM) in 2010, a dance studio in Boulder, CO, after receiving her master’s degree in Psychology. Her psychology background led to the birth of Dance To Be Free due to the therapeutic and cathartic quality of her teaching style.In March of 2015, Lucy founded Dance To Be Free along with her Board of Directors. Dance To Be Free’s mission is to share the healing power of dance with women in prison nationwide. The cathartic choreography and passionate music leads to physical, spiritual and emotional healing without the burden of talk therapy. Changing the lives of incarcerated women through the healing power of collective dance, DTBF uses cathartic choreography and emotional music as the healing vehicles for addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.

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Rewriting the social contract | Scott Frakes | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

Scott Frakes is Director of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. In this talk, he shares the story of a journey from rule enforcer to opportunity creator, embracing the notion that by agreeing to use incarceration society has an obligation to help those people help themselves. And to do this we must provide prison environments that give people hope. Scott is Director of the Nebraska Department of Corrections. His idea for change is "Rewriting the Social Contract." He will share the story of a journey from rule enforcer to opportunity creator, embracing the notion that by agreeing to use incarceration society has an obligation to help those people help themselves. And to do this we must provide prison environments that give people hope.

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Movement | Jewel Rodgers | TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen 2018

Jewel Rodgers is a civic activist in Lincoln, Nebraska. As a North Omaha native, Jewel begs the notion that circumstances are ambiguous. As a scholar, speaker, designer, and urban strategist, she discovers and implements ways to use collective economics as means to discover how we can determine our own version of what we call, reality. There are moments of constant epiphany that occur within your mind every time you learn something. One can describe this, as an act of changing location or position. These lessons learned are a culmination of events that have lead to your present state and are products of your movement. But - have you decided if you are moving forward?

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