The criminal justice system cycle | John E. Wetzel | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Can we stop the cycle of the criminal justice system? John Wetzel, secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, challenges everyone -- inside prison and outside in the community -- to look at the role they place in society, urging everyone to create a better environment for our children and our future
The transformational power of art | Jane Golden | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
"Art has the power to ignite change and transformation,'' says Jane Golden, executive director of the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. Golden believes art is a link to social change, lifting up commonality, the community and acts as a vehicle for reconciliation.
Respond differently | Debra Germany | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
"How you respond can determine if you live or die,'' says Debra Germany. "Respond differently,'' she urges. In her personal response to the murder of her only child, Germany established Divine Intervention Ministries, a program devoted to helping ex-offenders successfully return to the community after prison.
A positive difference | Frank Noonan | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Frank Noonan, Pennsylvania State Police commissioner, reminds us that we are presented with a new opportunity to help another person every day, regardless of where we are or the circumstances that surround us. "We have no control over our lives,'' Noonan said, "but we do have a choice to make a positive difference.''
Art's healing power | Pamela Jacques | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Pamela Jacques, Graterford state prison counselor and artist, shares her message of healing and hope in a unique and beautiful way. Jacques reminds us that all life is precious and worthwhile, regardless of problems and pain we experience.
Embrace your purpose | Kenya Mann Faulkner | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
"Life is not an accident, embrace your purpose,'' says Kenya Mann Faulkner, former Pennsylvania Inspector General. Faulkner struggled to know why her life was so hard, until she learned to accept the challenges as the force that shaped her into the person she has become.
Jesus, What a Wonderful Name | The Gospel Messengers | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
The Gospel Messengers, Graterford State Prison residents join forces for a high-energy, foot-tapping musical presentation of an original song, "Jesus, What a Wonderful Name.'' Members of the group include: Joseph L. Best III, Glenn A. Jenkins Sr., Anthony Joyner, Antonio Mazzccua, Winfield Patterson, David Robinson, William H. Smith and Nathaniel West.
My offspring -- second chances | Eugene Myrick | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Eugene Myrick, Graterford State Prison resident, talks about the soul and meaning behind the music. In his song, "My Offspring,'' Myrick uses his saxophone to describe the loving relationship he has with his children.
Remorse | Craig Datesman | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
In "Remorse,'' Graterford State Prison resident Craig Datesman describes the healing power of forgiveness after he had the opportunity to apologize in person to the sister of the man he killed.
A difference from an unusual place | Luis Gonzalez | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Luis Gonzalez, Graterford State Prison resident, had to hit bottom before he could heal. In his talk, "A Difference from an Unusual Place,'' Gonzalez speaks about his rise from an illiterate trouble-maker to a college graduate, now working to help young people chose education over incarceration through an inmate scholarship program.
"Gradual" and "Walk Me Home" | Cody Stuhltrager | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Cody Stuhltrager, Graterford state prison resident, performs two original songs, "Gradual,'' about turning his life around, and "Home,'' about the dream of eventually returning to his family and home.
Re-humanizing inmates | Anthony Wyatt | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Since when is the rape or assault of any human being something to laugh about?'' Anthony Wyatt, Graterford State Prison resident, talks about the public misperception that prison inmates are less-than-human and the dehumanizing prejudice toward convicted persons.
Red light, green light | Aaron Fox | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
In "Red Light, Green Light,'' Graterford state prison resident, Aaron Fox compares driving a car to following life's rules. We all make wrong turns, but Fox encourages us all to be vehicles for positive change and reminds us that it's never too late to switch direction.
Second chances | Norberto "Rob" Rosa | TEDxGraterfordStatePrison 2014
Norberto "Rob" Rosa, director of operations for New Leash on Life-USA, asks the question, "Doesn't every living creature deserve a second chance?'' A former prison inmate, Rosa now heads a program to train both inmates and dogs rescued from kill shelters, using positive reinforcement to teach both life-changing skills. Corry, a resident of Graterford State Prison, demonstrates accomplishments with his dog, Cash.