Redefining normal | Beto Vasquez | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017

Beto Vasquez is not normal. Or is he? What is normal, anyway? Experiences, culture, social norms, times and places all deeply influence what appears normal. Having run the full gamut of 'normality,' Beto has looked at normal from many angles. Join him as he explores the surprising implications of normality and how to redefine it. "I am currently finalizing my graduate studies at University of California, San Diego in biology. My background in the sciences has made me a champion for diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math; while my incarceration and education have caused me to advocate for underserved and currently and formally incarcerated people in an effort to address barriers to success."


Deconstructing the halo effect of racism and stereotypes | John Schimmel | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017


The truth will set you free | Scott Sargeant | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017