Deconstructing the halo effect of racism and stereotypes | John Schimmel | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017

The Halo Effect describes the tendency of humans to judge and label others based on preconceived notions and unconscious biases. In this talk, John Schimmel deconstructs the Halo Effect and reveals how we can move beyond the harmful effects to embrace this family we call humanity as one. "Education is my passion. Pursuing my Associate Degree was my way of believing in myself. This gave me something to be proud of for the first time. It feels good to inspire others to do the same, especially for those who feel like there is no hope. I received four Associate Degrees here in prison in 3 ½ years. For the first time ever in my life, I see that I can be someone."


Art can save your life | Mario Torero | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017


Redefining normal | Beto Vasquez | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017