Undefinable relationship | Michelle Gunderson + Sheila Pessinguia | TEDxWashingtonCorrectionsCenterforWomen 2015

Life is a journey that constantly changes and can shift direction at any time. How we handle the changes along the way can significantly shape our future. I once heard a saying that defines a time in my life that really did take an unexpected shift in direction: “Stand up for what you believe in, even if you are standing alone.” It is something that I try and remember each and every time I am faced with challenges in life. Michelle Gunderson is 34 years old. She was born in Seattle, Washington and grew up loving the outdoors. Camping is one of her favorite pastimes. Michelle is competitive and finds great joy while playing sports. She is a nationally certified Braille transcriber. She is a leader, a problem solver, and a motivator. Michelle is a warrior. She has the ability to persevere through any circumstance. Sheila Pessinguia grew up in the Pacific Northwest, completed my bachelor’s degree in Sociology at the University of Arizona and my master’s degree in Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. I am currently employed as a Juvenile Probation Supervisor.


Why would you put a baby behind bars? | Soledad O'Brien | TEDxWashingtonCorrectionsCenterforWomen 2015


Coming to a neighborhood near you | Marriam Oliver | TEDxWashingtonCorrectionsCenterforWomen 2015