Coming to a neighborhood near you | Marriam Oliver | TEDxWashingtonCorrectionsCenterforWomen 2015

Marriam points us to the essential qualities of a good neighbor, and challenges communities to reevaluate their preconceived notions. Marriam had an active childhood playing basketball, volleyball, and taekwondo. One of Marriam’s greatest achievements is receiving two AmeriCorps scholarships, and she’s currently working on her associate degree through the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound. Marriam also uses her incarceration to speak with teens about making positive choices. Marriam believes our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.


Undefinable relationship | Michelle Gunderson + Sheila Pessinguia | TEDxWashingtonCorrectionsCenterforWomen 2015


Wait a minute man, what you trippin’ for? | Ashly Eli | TEDxWashingtonCorrectionsCenterforWomen 2015