What the Haka means to me | Daniel Darling | TEDxSanQuentin 2022

Watch as Danny Darling scares away his personal demons through the Haka. Aloha, my name is Danny Darling. I spent 31 years incarcerated and 28 of those years being raised by Pacific Islanders. I was a part of the Native Hawaiian Spiritual Group and have performed opening chants for Merrie Monarch Ceremonies. I have learned to do hulas, Civa Taus, LakaLaka and Haka. Aloha Oe!

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War dancing for peace | Native Hawaiians | TEDxSanQuentin 2016

San Quentin's Native Hawaiian performers demonstrate how their Haka dance is used to tear down cultural barriers and build community. The Native Hawaiian Religious Group uses traditional song, dance, storytelling and oral history to restore community and develop unity. Their practice stems from ancient Polynesian history and culture, but also draws from the culture of various people of the Pacific. The group emphasizes peace, hope, choice, self-awareness, inner strength, dignity, understanding, clarity, and purpose. Their mission is to build and maintain the Pacific Islander and Asian community.

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