The meaning of fear | Thedo Butler | TEDxSanQuentin 2022
Part spoken word, part philosophical discourse, listen to this compelling treatment of overcoming challenges and fears, both on a personal level and as a culture. Thedo is a returning citizen, having spent 30 years inside the U.S. justice system. A former, and reformed, gang member, Thedo now works to help other men and women with his same background transition back into society and to rebuild their lives as law abiding members.Thedo is now an advocate for sentencing reform, social & restorative justice and providing opportunities for returning citizens to make meaningful atonement for their past crimes and positively impact their communities. It is his desire that his actions help to prevent any other person from having to suffer from the negative impact of crime in our communities, both perpetrator as well as victim, and to heal all those impacted. This is his search for redemption.