Is a hotdog a sandwich and other pressing questions from Attica prison | John Tolliver | TEDxAttica 2019
Is a hot dog a sandwich? But more importantly, how could such a question change a "criminal?" John Tolliver's take on the hot dog vs sandwich controversy is thought-provoking as well as humorous. See how the unscientific poll he conducted inside Attica gave him unique insight into labels, which he now shares in the hopes it can lead to others finding new perspectives among old labels. John Tolliver is more than the “Criminal” he was once regrettably known as in the streets of Buffalo, N.Y. He is no longer robbing the world or even himself of his full potential. At 16, armed with his GED, he dropped out of college—this was the first in a series of bad decisions that eventually led to him being incarcerated for 25 years to life. On both sides of the bars, he has sought to encourage youth to remain in school and not replicate his mistakes. While incarcerated, John has earned a certificate as a legal assistant/paralegal from the Blackstone Career Institute and has spent over seven of his years in Attica working with the Inmate Grievance Program. The father of three awesome boys, John constantly strives to improve and to live as a contributing member of a healthy society.