A matter of time | Jermaine Archer | TEDxSingSing 2020
How many times have you sat down to do something, lost track of time, and looked up to find hours have passed you by? Why is it so easy for us to lose track of, forget about, or even waste our own time? In this powerful talk, Jermaine Archer speaks about how being sentenced to prison to serve time, helped him learn to stop wasting the most precious resource we have: time. Jermaine Archer is a writer, author, actor, musician, and paralegal. But most importantly a son, father and husband. Jermaine has been incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. Jermaine redefined what mattered most to him: his time and today's youth. He is passionate about making an impact on youth and sharing his story with community youth through the Sing Sing Youth Assistance Program. As an adviser to the Osborne Association's New York Initiative for Children with Incarcerated Parents, Jermaine brainstorms with family court judges and policy makers to protect the rights of children with incarcerated parents. In 2012 he co-founded Voices From Within, a group of men redefining what it means to repay a debt to society.