Overcoming defeat with a single gesture | Samantha Rucker | TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional 2018
From Samantha: "In today’s world, defeat eats at the heart of most of us but by calling to attention a word or gesture. We can begin the healing process. I wrote “One Word – One Gesture,” because I believe it is our responsibility to encourage and motivate one another. In this life, we all have gone through tragedies and what we share in these experiences is that defeating feeling, but words and gestures are the key to overcoming. Every day on the news we see stories of heartbreak and heartache, yet with these stories there are signs of victory, where people from all walks of life, help one another, motivate one another and make a difference. My own grandmother was limited in education and had very little money, but as I grew up, I watched her lend a hand, sit and listen with care, and in showing me those gestures she unknowingly passed it down to me. My passion lies in helping where I am needed. Despite my current situation, it is not hard to give a hug, cry with someone, or offer words of encouragement. I have found healing in learning that my place on this earth is to be that voice that says, “The world we live in, the lives we lead are hard, yet we can prevail." In this life we have to learn it doesn’t matter if we’re rich, homeless, or locked up, our words are power. With that power, we can change lives and outlooks. We have to do this together because at the end of the day, we are all that we have, sharing this world and relishing on the chance to motivate one another. PASSION, means passing it on. (pass-i-on), and as long as I have a voice, I will continue to pass along gestures of love, hope, inspiration because that’s what we all we’re put here to do. Don’t ever think your words are useless, because words are the things that change lives!"