Living breathing ROI | Valerie Ochoa | TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional 2018

Valerie Ochoa entered Perryville with no prior business acumen and zero experience in the sales and marketing industry. She never imagined the future ahead of her included being a successful sales leader from behind bars. Valerie found solace in Televerde, a company partnered with the Arizona Department of Corrections, which offers employment and skill building to incarcerated women. It was at Televerde that she discovered her natural ability to sell. Valerie describes the pros of utilizing a correctional workforce and the potential she recognized in herself because of this opportunity. “Not only do I believe in myself, but I know that anything is possible and there are no limits on what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.”


Who's that girl | Dorothy W | TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional 2018


Journeys of change | Karen Hellman | TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional 2018