Removing labels | Dominique Goodmond | TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional 2018

Prior to Dominique’s incarceration people would label her as smart, talented and determined. Driven and ambitious, she moved to Arizona to obtain another degree that would enable her to accomplish her goal of becoming a professor at HBCU College. After an accident that derailed her path, she ended up incarcerated. The labels others placed on her became liar, manipulator, and criminal. Dominique tried to tell the world that she was so much more but no one could see beyond her orange outfit. She understood why others felt this way, having carried with her the same preconceived notions when entering Perryville. Having gone through this experience she’s now enlightened with the education, talent and worth of the women within Perryville's walls. “We are educated, talented and amazing women. We are also determined to expose our greatness to the world so they can witness the beauty that is being covered by our orange veil. We will leave prison and accomplish every goal, knock down every barrier that stands in our way while proving to ourselves that we are capable of doing anything!” Through Dominique’s talk, she removes the labels society places on felons, challenging you to do the same.


Not me, anymore | Erica Munoz | TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional 2018


Heroin: through the eyes of a younger brother | Tommy Sablan | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2018