Rediscovering hope through self-forgiveness | Billy Johnson | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017

Even as a high school football star, Billy Johnson fell into a dark tunnel. Within a 9-month period, Billy’s two most important people were killed and he felt responsible for both deaths. He found his light switch after 20 years of incarceration, which led him to rediscover hope through self-forgiveness. "I see myself as caring, earnest, loyal and full of life. I want to bring happiness to a person’s day. If I notice someone isn’t happy or feeling well, I want to make him smile. I find joy and passion in team settings; I love to work with others. What got us where we’re at does not need to define us. I love sports and working out."


The truth will set you free | Scott Sargeant | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017


The meaning of love | Lionell Tholmer | TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017