Bad math | Clifford R | TEDxMarionCorrectionalSalon 2014

Hear the metaphorical and mathematical journey of a man's life through poetry. Clifford R. hails from nowhere and everywhere. He is a welder, poet and artist, and considers those three things to be different sides of the same coin. You can find him in a book early in the morning since he is usually VERY awake at that time. Later in the day you’ll find him away from the noise, taking a good nap. This is he path he found to happiness, and is ok with you borrowing it. If you get a chance, ask him about the time a friend broke his big toe with a safety cone. Seriously, ask him. Cliff is taking the stage just to share. He hopes his poetry can improve someone’s day and maybe provoke some good thoughts. After TEDxMarionCorrectional he will continue to put pen to notebook page.


I'm confused | Justin M | TEDxMarionCorrectionalSalon 2014


Olentangy | The New Blacktop Ramblers | TEDxMarionCorrectionalSalon 2014