Why we do what we do! | Michael Daniels | TEDxMarionCorrectionalSalon 2014
Open and honest talk about discrimination based on sexual orientation, criminal backgrounds, having white privilege, and how dignity and integrity foster resilience. Michael Daniels has been the Policy Director for Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown since March of 2012. He works at his current career because he believes that economic development, good jobs, and workforce readiness, coupled with a strong safety net, a commitment to diversity and inclusion, and a high quality of life for all residents are the cornerstones of a civilized society. He is a vocal advocate for social justice, and a voice in the movements for GLBT and marriage equality, for women's reproductive and educational freedoms, for the reintegration into society's fabric for ex-offenders, and for the protection of workers’ safety and right to organize. He has served on several non-profit boards and has been named a Franklin County Children Services Foster Parent of the Year. Michael and his husband, Robbie, live in Weinland Park with their four-legged children, Meena and Tilda. After TEDxMarionCorrectional he will continue to encourage and incentivize economic development for Franklin County residents.