The greatest TEDx performance that never was? | Jason Frymier | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2014

Jason Frymier is a lifelong BMX bike rider who has won numerous racing championships. He has been unable to ride for the past sixteen years because of his incarceration, and cannot wait for the day when he can once again go for a ride. He often finds himself agreeing to do things that he will later regret… like giving a TEDx Talk. Most days Jason can be found training for what he believes to be an unavoidable fight with the cookie monster. When not training, he can be found con¬templating the fantastic lives of Sock Monkeys. He can also be found listening to the greatest band in the world – Rush, while building models of classic movie monsters. He is learn¬ing management techniques by watching Gordon Ramsey shows. After TEDxMarionCorrectional, he will be available to take pictures and sign autographs for his many fans.


The “i” In victim? | Rapheal Mitchell | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2014


A mother’s story? | Lee Seibenick-Schwartz | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2014