Johnny Appleseed | James A. White, Jr. | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison 2014

Jim is an incarcerated veteran who served in the US Marine Corps for six years as a helicopter crew-chief. He flew in Cuba, then combat flying in the Civil War of Santo Domingo (1965), and an extended tour in Vietnam. He then inter-service transferred into the Army as an officer, where he served as a helicopter pilot. He served in various airborne units while serving multi-tours in Vietnam, first flying Aero-Scouts and then Cobras for a classified operation. Jim is a disabled veteran from the Vietnam War. He has written and published books about his military service, including a well-received book "Laotian Highway Patrol," which is a historical novel based on his flying Cobras for MAC-V-SOG. Jim is a Life Member of the Special Operations Association, the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, and the Disabled American Veterans Association. He is the co-founder of the HMM-262 Helicopter (Vietnam) Association. He and his wife have four children.


Dare to dream again | Prophet Walker | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison 2014


From impossible to probable | The Jabbawockeez | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison 2014