Performance | Mark Gonzales + Mike de la Rocha | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison 2014

Mark Gonzales has over a decade of experience focusing on emotional intelligence, sacred education, design thinking, and human development. In 2014, he cofounded the Institute for Narrative Growth, a platform for advancing story-based approaches to healing, success, and intergeneratioinal forgiveness. Mike de la Rocha has more than 15 years of experience advancing public policy and empowering community stakeholders with an emphasis on public safety and juvenile justice. Mike is also a writer and artist who uses music as a way to stimulate conversation, build commuity, and inspire the public imagination around issues of change and transformation. In 2012, Mike merged his love of politics and music by created Living Rooms Across America, a series of curated events that utilize music and storytelling to shift the public conversation around violence.


Lyrics from lockdown | Bryonn Bain | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison 2014


The movie of your life | DeVon Franklin | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison 2014