Do you have any change? | Sam Grisham | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2013
Sam Grisham is a husband, father and grandfather of two. After serving in the U.S. Army he settled in Ohio, but still has strong ties to his hometown of Monticello, Arkansas where his mother still resides. Spending so much time on the softball diamond paid dividends when the team he was on won a 2012 national championship. Even though he has a career, spends time on the diamond and is a hunter, he still finds it hard to keep up with his wonderful wife Kelli. That is why he enjoys the little moments like making coffee for her every morning. Sam is confident in the person he is, which is why he will be painfully honest with you. His mind is constantly moving. He is taking the stage to tell his story of change. After TEDxMarionCorrectional he will continue his work at Marion Correctional Institution helping others.