Befriending your enemy | Juan Martinez | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2013

Juan M. Martinez Jr. is grateful to be a Texican hailing from San Benito, Texas. He works with digital audio every day so believes his recommendation to listen to absolutely anything by The Smiths should carry weight. He is overly committed to his worst habit... procrastination, except for early in the morning when he can't wait for a hot shower to start the day. Juan can't wait to spend the day with his children on a golf course, or anywhere as long as he is around his kids. He believes anything worth doing is worth doing twice... or three times; and his hobby is finding obsessive compulsive behavior in others. He is taking the stage to show what is possible to others in prison. After TEDxMarionCorrectional he will continue to focus on developing a closer relationship with his children.


Why laugh? | Meg Scott | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2013


Higher consciousness | Jamson Evolving | TEDxMarionCorrectional 2013